
I wrote a Console application, which will allow you do some common tasks for your SharePoint environment. stsadm lacks some functionality like recyling all list items from a list…

Just copy the exe to your SharePoint Server, and execute it with an account which has the appropriate rights on your farm.

SharePointConsole http://siteurl[/weburl] Command [Parameter1 Parameter2]

The SharePointConsole has the following parameters:

  • EnumContentTypes
  • CreateContentType
  • RenameContentType
  • DeleteContentType
  • DeleteAllListItems
  • ShowInNewForm
  • ShowInEditForm
  • ShowInDisplayForm
  • DeleteAllVersions
  • RecycleAllVersions
  • SetTitleWithFilename
  • SetSearchCenterUrl
  • SystemUpdate
  • FeatureManager
  • EmptyRecycleBin

Returns all content types from the specified sitecollection.

CreateContentType newName [Parent ContentType]:
Creates a new content type and inherrits from an exiting one, if a parent content type is specified.

RenameContentType contentType newName:
Renames a content type

DeleteContentType Name:
Deletes a content type

DeleteAllListItems ListName:
Deletes all listItems from the specified list (use the displayname)

RecycleAllListItems ListName:
Recycles (moves to Recycle Bin) all listItems from the specified list (use the d

ShowInNewForm ListName FieldName bool:
Changes the visibility of a field in the NewForm

ShowInEditForm ListName FieldName bool:
Changes the visibility of a field in the EditForm

ShowInDisplayForm ListName FieldName bool:
Changes the visibility of a field in the DisplayForm

DeleteAllVersions ListName:
Deletes all version except the current one

RecycleAllVersions ListName:
Recycles all version except the current one

SetTitleWithFilename ListName:
Sets the Title of all Documents with its filename without extension

SetSearchCenterUrl SearchCenterUrl:
Sets the SearchCenterUrl for an entire WebApplication

SystemUpdate ListName SleepTime itemID:
Hit each ListItem and do a SystemUpdate(false) to call attached EventHandlers. With SleepTime you define how many seconds to wait, before working on the next ListItem. If the itemID is != 0, only that item will be updated

FeatureManager featureID Enable/Disable [AllSites|AllWebs|Farm] :
Enable or Disable a feature by its ID. The optional paramter AllSites enables the feature on all sitecollections AND webs, AllWebs only in all webs of the sitecollection and Farm in the whole farm

Empties the Recylce Bin for the site collection (from all stages and all webs!)

Update 28. May 2009
New commands added.

Download  Download the SharePointConsole