
Count provisioned devices by DPS

This post shows a way to find out how many IoT (Edge) devices have been provisioned by a specific enrolment group within the last x minutes. The solution could be much simpler if I just wanted to know how many devices are registering themselves. In this case the build in metrics are enough to get that information. IoT Hub Metrics The use case required a more sophisticated solution that is able to reflect the tenants, identified by tags.

Configure Azure IoT Edge for downstream devices

A lot of documentation and posts are available to setup an Azure IoT Edge to act as an IoT Hub for downstream devices. In order to get it up and running in a dev environment, I had to do some more research. My setup is a RaspberryPi 3 with Raspbian stretch and an Azure IoT DevKit which looks like this. And please remember the setup I used is for development only.

Azure Meetup OWL

Am 13.7. wird das erste Treffen des Azure Meetups OWL stattfinden. Wir sind derzeit noch auf der Suche nach einem Ort und den Themen 🙂 Vermutlich wird es um Chatbots und Machine Learning gehen. Wir werden aber auch auf euer Feedback eingehen um Themen für die nächsten Treffen zu finden. Wenn ihr dabei sein möchtet, meldet euch bitte über die Meetup Seite an. Update: Ort: Arvato Systems, An der Autobahn 100, Gütersloh, Tower I

Multi Level Navigation

The out-of-the-box WSS navigation offers one level of navigation. The navigation elements can be configured in the site settings. There is a way to make it have multi level navigation, as MOSS does, by changing the DataSource. But this “hack” is not flexible, as you can not reorder the item within the navigation menu. While I was reading the post How to create your own Cascading Navigation using the ASPMenu control by Yvonne Harryman, the decision was made to build a custom navigation which supports multiple navigation levels.