Getting the PageTitle

Getting the PageTitle of a page should be just a property away would you think. I would call Page.Title to get the title of the current page.

Unfortunately Page.Title contains “\r\n           ” and the title of the page is in a new line, like this:

	RH Test


The property will only return the first row, which is not very helpful 🙁

So what can we do? Since the title is set through a control within a ContentPlacehoder, my way was to get the control and take the value from it. And… it worked. An extension method will traverse all controls, to find the desired one.

public string GetPageTitle()
	var literal = Page.Header.FindControlsOfType<ContentPlaceHolder>().Single(p => p.ID == "PlaceHolderPageTitle").FindControlsOfType<EncodedLiteral>().FirstOrDefault();
	if (literal != null)
		string pageTitle = literal.Text;
		return pageTitle;
	return null;

// and an extension method (need to go to a static class!
public static IEnumerable<T> FindControlsOfType<T>(this Control control) where T : Control
	foreach (Control child in control.Controls)
		if (child is T)
			yield return (T)child;
			foreach (T grandChild in child.FindControlsOfType<T>())
				yield return grandChild;

Page.Title, I got you 😉