Guest Post on the Arvato Systems Cloud Blog

I’ve published an article on the Arvato Systems Cloud Blog (German) and Arvato Systems Blog (English).

Geld sparen mit serverloser Architektur

Ihr Unternehmen plant eine großangelegte Digitalkampagne zur Vermarktung eines neuen Produktes? Sie sind nicht sicher, ob die aktuelle Architekturlösung den Ansprüchen ihrer geplanten Kampagne gerecht werden kann? Bei einem Ausbau Ihrer Infrastruktur würden hohe Kosten auf Sie zukommen?

How a serverless architecture can help you scale easily and save costs during your next marketing campaign

Is scaling up your existing infrastructure very expensive? Are you not sure if your infrastructure can meet the demands of your next big marketing campaign? Get to know an alternative to scale up your current environment for a short period.

Often there is no need to set up an infrastructure like a web server, database server, and load balancers. Let us take a look at some cloud providers and how they can serve our content more cost efficient and deliver websites to the visitors with high performance.