A new home for this blog

After many years of SharePoint as blogging platform, I decided to move to WordPress. There are several reasons for the decision. One would be that I want to get rid of my server at home. Another is SharePoint and its blogging capabilities. As you probably know, I’ve worked on the CKS:EBE (Community Kit for SharePoint – Enhanced Blog Edition) blogging extension for SharePoint blogs some years ago. It is awesome to see that the default blog can be extended to such an extend.

CKS:EBE 3.0-Enhanced Blog Edition 3.0

Like many other blogs running SharePoint, my blog uses the EBE to add more functionality to the default SharePoint blog. And since I am one of the developers of the EBE 3.0, I’m glad that we announce the release of the next release. Version 3 brings along many new features and improvements of already implemented features. New Features *Ability to theme wiki pages *Ability to export post to PDF


Blogs on the SharePoint sites from Microsoft are using the CKS:EBE. The first one to move is Yvonne M. Harryman, who is moving her blog from WordPress to I am sure other blogs will use the Enhanced Blog Edition soon. It is great to see that your own work is useful 🙂


Finally I found the time to enable the Enhanced Blog Edition on my blog. As you can see, the layout did change 🙂 The EBE also brings some new functionality like comment spam detection, trackbacks and a cleaner RSS feed. So if you are using the old URL for my RSS feed, please update it to The new feed URL may result in duplicate RSS items. The EBE is not a final version.

Modify blog post categories

If you plan to use the CKS:EBE (Enhanced Blog Edition), you might want to update the categories of your posts, because the EBE supports multiple categories for a post. I’ve created a Windows Forms Application, which will help you with this task. Features: Update categories for blog posts Select multiple categories Remove categories from blog post Add categories to the categories list Modify the blog posts, without changing the modified date Requirements:


In case you do not know the Enhanced Blog Edition, you have to check it out. The upcoming version has lots of improvements. One is the possibility to use the extension on a non English SharePoint blog site. I am working on the translation to German, and some other stuff. When it is done, I will use the extension on my blog as well. Tags: SharePoint CKS:EBE Blog CodePlex