In diesem Jahre geht es rund mit Veranstaltungen. Nach der SharePoint Konferenz bin ich auch beim ShareCamp dabei und auf der ShareConf mit einem Vortrag dabei. Mal schauen was noch so kommt 🙂
If you run into the problem that you can’t delete properties within the User Profile Service Application, an Exception like this will be shown: To resolve the problem, grant “Full Control” permissions to the administrative Applicationpools group (WSS_WPG). Now you should be able to delete properties again.
Im März ist wieder SharePoint Konferenz Termin. Ich werden mit zwei Vorträgen dabei sein. SharePoint 2013 und Social. Was ist neu, was kann man machen? Enterprise-Lösungen mit Business Connectivity Services Nach der BASTA 2012, BASTA Spring 2012, BASTA 2011, BASTA 2010, BASTA 2009 und den SharePoint Konferenzen 2010, 2009 ist das mein 7. Auftritt als Speaker. Cool. Es macht ja auch jedes mal aufs Neue Spaß 🙂
“Your search encountered an error. If the problem persists, contact the portal site administrator.” Great. That would be me 🙂 I wanted to manage some properties within the User Profile Service Application. But an error message kept me from doing so. A quick look for the running SharePoint services from the Central Administration looked ok. The UPS services is up and running. Then it hit me. Even if SharePoint tells you everything is OK, it might not be the case.
With pleasure I read multiple feeds about the availability of SharePoint 2013 via MSDN 🙂 I am anxious to install that version, and see what has changed compared to the Preview. René
A while ago, I wrote an article about performing operations parallel with SharePoint 2010 (.NET 3.5). –> Execute code in multiple threads (even with SharePoint)
Since I am not the only guy with this kind of “problems”, others are writing about SharePoint and .NET. Especially .NET 4.5 and SharePoint 2013.
Stephane Eyskens hat posted a nice 6-post series about .NET within SharePoint 2013.
Tuples Lazy Loading Sorted Sets Parallel.ForEach .
SharePoint has a new logo. Looks good 🙂
This is one of the posts which shall remind me about something. And may help others as well.
Coding against the User “Profile Service Application requires Connection Permissions for the executing user account!
From the beginning. I wrote a console application which leverages the User Profile Store. Every time I created a new instance of the UserProfileConfigManager class, an exception was thrown:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
SharePoint 2013 immediately redirects you to an application page start.aspx when you call a website.
If you’ve ever wondered why, keep on reading… The pictures will also look familiar to you. So what happened? Why the start.aspx?
The start.aspx inherits Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.MDSStartPage. That page simply looks, if the SPContext.Current.Site.CompatibilityLevel is above 14. If not, it’ll redirect to web.Url. That is the behavior, we know from previous versions of SharePoint.
Additionally it adds some caching information to the Response, and loads a JavaScript called… start.
If you have installed SharePoint on your workstation, you might want to start the services only in case of active development. Otherwise the services consume memory and other resources.
The PowerShell script in this post will allow you to easily start and stop all required services for a local SharePoint Installation.
It will detect if you’ve installed SharePoint 2007/WSS, SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2013. Just copy the code below to a file, name it StartStopSharePoint.
Soeben ist ein neues Community-Portal online gegangen. Auf diesem Portal bin auch ich als Autor für Artikel vertreten. Mehr Werbung möchte ich jetzt erst einmal nicht machen 🙂 Schaut es euch einfach mal an.
Was erwartet Euch auf diesem Portal? Wir starten zunächst mit zwei Rubriken: Artikel und Shots. Die Artikel befassen sich mit allen möglichen Themen rund um das Design. Dabei werden nicht nur die klassischen (Web-)Designer angesprochen, sondern auch Entwickler, IT-Pros oder einfach nur „SharePoint-Interessierte“.
I won’t go into the arguments for using a caching mechanism or not. This post is simply an example for an easy way to cache data.
So if you want to store some object in the cache, you can do so very easy.
var localizedString = Caching.EnsureObject(resourceName, () => GetOperation(parameter)); As you can see, it really doesn’t matter what type of object the cache will store. class Caching { private static readonly TimeSpan Duration = new TimeSpan(1, , ); /// <summary> /// return cached value, or add and return from cache /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="
I’ve had the error message “The SharePoint item being crawled returned an error when requesting data from the web service. (0x80042616)” when I tried to crawl a SharePoint WebApplication. The search crawler account had access to a site by a WebApplication policy. But somehow, that didn’t work.
After removing and re-adding the account policy on the WebApplication, the search crawled my content again.
Hopefully this post can help others as well.
Since SharePoint 2010 uses .NET 3.5, you can not use the fancy new functions from .NET 4 🙂
So if we need e.g. multi-threaded execution of code, we’ll need to write the code ourselves. But, as you can see, this really isn’t so hard. The basic idea behind this solution of executing code parallel in threads, is that you have an IEnumerable of some kind. This can be a List, or any other IEnumerable.
In 2008 I’ve released a Web Part, which enables your users to access files on your fileservers through SharePoint. Original post. This Web Part has been downloaded many times. With this new version, I’ve tried to deal with the most asked questions (like Kerberos), which will make the Web Part easier to use. Naturally new features have been implemented, to get you to upgrade to the new version.
With this release, the Web Part requires SharePoint Foundation / Server 2010.