Custom assemblies for the Reporting Services 2005

Even if the Reporting Services are very powerfull, you might get to the point where you have to extend the building functionality. So why not write your own custom assembly with some additional code? Create your assembly like this: 1: using System;<br> 2: using System.Security.Permissions;<br> 3: using Microsoft.SharePoint;<br> 4: <br> 5: public class MyNamespace<br> 6: {<br> 7: public class ReportingExtension<br> 8: {<br> 9: public ReportingExtension()<br> 10: {<br> 11: }<br> 12: <br> 13: public static string HelloWorld()<br> 14: {<br> 15: return "Hello World.

Index a remote SharePoint Site

Did you ever want to crawl a remote SharePoint site and were unsuccessfull doing so? Well I did. The only solution I found, was not to crawl the remote site with the default crawler credentials, but with an account from the remote site. You can do so by creating a crawl rule in your SharedServices Provider, which only includes the remote site.

Target Audiences

You can specify a Target Audience in a Webpart, for it to only be visible to e.g. members of a certain AD group. Have you ever wonderd yourself why on earth the new group does not appear in the list and is not valid? Well, I did 🙁 The reason is quite simle. Shortly after the userimport from your AD or another LDAP source there is another import started. This one imports groups and memberships.

Updated Wiki Webpart

Please use my custom field type. It is more flexible –> I updated my Wiki Webpart. For all of you who don’t know what it does: The normal Wiki Edit Form misses the ability to upload pictures. My Webpart, which has to be included to the EditForm.aspx, allows you to upload a picture. It also creates a link in your Wiki post, which displays the uploaded image. This release of the Webpart is multi lingual.

updated SDKs

The updated SDKs are now available for downloading. SharePoint Server 2007 SDK: Software Development Kit and Enterprise Content Management Starter Kit Windows SharePoint Services 3.0: Software Development Kit (SDK)

Get form Url from a list

Whenever you have an ID from a list item, you might want to create a link to its DispForm or EditForm. But how do you get the Url to the forms? 1: SPList list = something; <span class=lnum> 2: </span>list.Forms[PAGETYPE.PAGE_DISPLAYFORM].Url;

Create an eventlog entry

For exception handling it is good practice to write errors to the eventlog.EventLog.WriteEntry(“SharePoint.Error”, errorText, EventLogEntryType.Error); Since SP1 for Windows Server 2003 “the normal user” is not allowed to write to the eventlog. James Kovacs wrote a great article about the problem. (Remember to create your eventlog source, if you have your own!) 1: if(!EventLog.SourceExists(“SharePoint.Error”, ".")) { <span class=lnum> 2: </span> EventLog.CreateEventSource(<span class=str>"SharePoint.Error"</span>, <span class=str>"Application"</span>, <span class=str>"."</span>); 3: }

„File not found“ error

If somehow the path to your masterpage is broken, you will get an error message like “file not found” when you access a website. This could happen if you create a new site from a template, which comes from another server. You can open your site in SharePoint Designer, though. The KB article A subsite that you create in SharePoint Server 2007 does not inherit master page settings from its parent site, and you receive error messages on the Site Master Page Settings page describes this problem.

Open Office 2007 files from WSS V2/SPS 2003

You all know, that you can open a document via the context menu in SharePoint in editmode in an Office Application. This does not work, if you save e.g. a .docx. But help is on the way: Icons that represent 2007 Office files are incorrect, and the “Edit in Microsoft Office ” option does not appear in a document library in SharePoint Portal Server 2003 or in Windows SharePoint Services 2.

How to get LookupField Information from a listItem

If you want the ID or the value form a LookupField, you can get it easily with this code snippet:SPListItem item = getitsomewhare… SPFieldLookupValue lf = (SPFieldLookupValue) item.ParentList.Fields.GetField(_FieldName).GetFieldValue( item.GetFormattedValue(_FieldName)); if you got the field, fetch its properties viaif (lf == null) { int itemID = lf.LookupId; string itemValue = lf.LookupValue; } Have fun ;-)

Install Windows Service Pack on a VM

On a newly installed Virtual Machine you don’t need any uninstall information from a servicepack, which consumes lots of diskspace. You can install the SP2 for Windows Server 2003 (R2) with the /nobackup parameter. RESTART OPTIONS /NORESTART: No restart will take place. You will have to perform a manual restart yourself before the service pack installation can be considered complete. /FORCERESTART: A restart will automatically take place at the end of the installation.

Get a listitem by ID

Fetching a listitem by ID will generate an error, if the a listitem with the ID does not exist. To avoid this exception, you can get a listitem by id by searching for it:private SPListItem GetListItem(SPList List, int ListItemID) { try { string defaultView = List.DefaultView.Title; SPQuery query = new SPQuery(List.Views[defaultView]); string caml = String.Format("{0}", ListItemID); query.Query = caml; SPListItemCollection results = List.GetItems(query); if (results.Count == 1) { return results[0]; } } catch (Exception ex) { _ErrorMessage +=

Display a single listitem

You can display multiple list items with SharePoint and SharePoint Designer quite easy. But how do you display a single listitem? I worte a Webpart, which does this. If there are more than one listitem, you can page through them. And if you like, you can pass an itemid via a Webpart connection. In the Webpart properties you can select the list/library. If you like, you can specify a view other than the default view.