
The SharePoint Solution Deployer

Deploying Solutions can be a …. (fill in as you wish). The SharePoint Solution Deployer offers a great opportunity to writing your own scripts. The existing functionality should match your needs to deploy SharePoint Solutions. If not, the “framework” can be extended with custom Extensions or simple PowerShell code. I’ve written two Extensions, which let you enable and disable features upon deployments and reset files to their site definitions (aka ReGhost).

Why I prefer WebApplication deployments over GAC deployments

This article is written with scope on SharePoint 2013. With SP 2013 the default TrustLevel in the web.config is set to “FullTrust”. On previous version the value is “WSS_Minimal”. When you develop Farm-Solutions for SharePoint, you can deploy assemblies to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) or configure the solution for a “bin-Deployment”. The bin-way puts assemblies into the bin folder of the WebApplication, where the solution is deployed to. You can switch the target of the assemblies by modifying the properties of a SharePoint project.