
Creating a lookup field via elements.xml

This is another post to help me remember. And as a reference for all of you, who cannot remember how to create a SPFieldLookup via XML. <Field ID="{8b26ec41-b6c3-4327-0066-0c18c0768626}" Name="InternalName" StaticName="InternalName" DisplayName="Display Name" Type="Lookup" ShowField="Title" Mult="TRUE" List="Lists/LookupList" Overwrite="TRUE" /> When you provision a SPField via features, do not forget to add Overwrite=”TRUE”! Otherwise you’ll get an exception like this: 0x8107058aFehler beim Binden des Inhaltstyps ‘0x010200C7A18EB120BB4A00892E9E1EE9481C9B0067E475B6FDD54048B347370871443CAD’ an die Liste ‘/sites/rhtest/Lists/LookupList’ für ‘http://rhdevsp2013/sites/rhtest’. Ausnahme ‘0x80070057’.