
Glückwunsch zum Meistertitel

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an das Konrad Motorsport Team zum Meistertitel im Porsche Supercup 2008! Im letzten Rennen reichte der Sieg von Nicolas Armindo und der 6. Platz von Sean Edwards damit sich das Team aus Verl in der Meisterschaftswertung von Platz 4 auf den ersten Platz vorarbeiten konnte. Quelle: Technorati Tags: [Porsche Supercup][2],[Konrad Motorsport][3] [2]: Supercup [3]: Motorsport

Team Foundation Server 2008 and the SP1

Warning: Setting up the TFS is not an easy task. In our environment we have the Reporting Services and WSS installed on the TFS server. The TFS and SharePoint databases are on a separate SQL Server. Reporting Services databases are locally stored. If you now try to install the SP1, it will reconfigure your Reporting Services so that the databases are on the remote SQL Server. Of course that won’t work!

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 available

The SP1 is available through MSDN. See and You will need it to install the Reporting Services 2008 add-in into your existing Visual Studio 2008 installation.Technorati Tags: Visual Studio,Visual Studio 2008

CopyTool for SharePoint – Update

Hello everybody. I have updated the “Net at Work CopyTool for SharePoint”. Some of the new features are: GUI: You can now interact with the program with a nice WPF GUI Copy Subareas: If you want to copy an Area with its Subareas, you can do so now Copy only selected lists: Now you can copy only certain lists, and not a whole Area as smallest part As always, you can find more information here.

Flexible Migration – SharePoint 2003 nach 2007

Ein wenig Werbung sei auch erlaubt. Ich habe ein Tool für die Migration von SPS 2003 nach MOSS 2007 geschrieben: Die Migrationswege von 2003 nach 2007 auf Basis der Herstellertools erweisen sich in der Praxis meist aus unterschiedlichen Gründen als unzureichend: Quell-und Zielsystem sollen unterschiedliche Strukturen aufweisen, MOSS 2007 wurde schon parallel in Betrieb genommen, die Migration soll nicht ad-hoc passieren, Migrationen von gesamten Datenbanken schlagen fehl oder sind komplex.

Comments / Kommentare

I forgot to alert myself about new comments. Sry! Within the next days, I will answer all your comments. Promised. Leider habe ich vergessen eine Benachrichtigung für die Kommentare einzurichen. In den nächsten Tagen werde ich alle Kommentare beantworten. Versprochen.

Another place, another proxy

Do you connect to different networks regularly? Well, I do. Switching the proxy each time is annoying. Here is the solution: Marco wrote a great tool, which will switch your IE proxy based on the Gateway IP or the DNS Suffix 🙂 Have a look at it: Quote: Proxy Switcher is a little helper tool for switching between different proxy settings. If you are at many locations, e.g. at work, home, hotel, etc.

Create an eventlog entry

For exception handling it is good practice to write errors to the eventlog.EventLog.WriteEntry(“SharePoint.Error”, errorText, EventLogEntryType.Error); Since SP1 for Windows Server 2003 “the normal user” is not allowed to write to the eventlog. James Kovacs wrote a great article about the problem. (Remember to create your eventlog source, if you have your own!) 1: if(!EventLog.SourceExists(“SharePoint.Error”, ".")) { <span class=lnum> 2: </span> EventLog.CreateEventSource(<span class=str>"SharePoint.Error"</span>, <span class=str>"Application"</span>, <span class=str>"."</span>); 3: }

Install Windows Service Pack on a VM

On a newly installed Virtual Machine you don’t need any uninstall information from a servicepack, which consumes lots of diskspace. You can install the SP2 for Windows Server 2003 (R2) with the /nobackup parameter. RESTART OPTIONS /NORESTART: No restart will take place. You will have to perform a manual restart yourself before the service pack installation can be considered complete. /FORCERESTART: A restart will automatically take place at the end of the installation.

Wiki Page

Instead of posting numerous Blog posts, I created a Wiki-Website on which I will post information about SharePoint programming.

Produkt Abkürzungen

<p> <span style="color:white">Abkürzung</span> </p></td> <td style="padding-left:7px;padding-right:7px;border-top:solid white 1.0pt;border-left:none;border-bottom:solid white 3.0pt;border-right:solid white 1.0pt"> <p> <span style="color:white">Produktname</span> </p> </td> <p> <span style="color:black">MOSS</span> </p></td> <td style="background:#cdddac;padding-left:7px;padding-right:7px;border-top:none;border-left:none;border-bottom:solid white 1.0pt;border-right:solid white 1.0pt"> <p> <span style="color:black">Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007</span> </p> </td> <p> <span style="color:black">SPS</span> </p></td> <td style="background:#e6eed5;padding-left:7px;padding-right:7px;border-top:none;border-left:none;border-bottom:solid white 0.75pt;border-right:solid white 1.0pt"> <p> <span style="color:black">SharePoint Portal Server</span> </p> </td> <p> <span style="color:black">SSRS</span> </p></td> <td style="background:#cdddac;padding-left:7px;padding-right:7px;border-top:none;border-left:none;border-bottom:solid white 1.0pt;border-right:solid white 1.0pt"> <p> <span style="color:black">SQL Server Reporting Services</span> </p> </td> <p> <span style="color:black">WSS</span> </p></td> <td style="background:#e6eed5;padding-left:7px;padding-right:7px;border-top:none;border-left:none;border-bottom:solid white 1.

über mich

Bei meiner Arbeit als Consultant für die Firma Net at Work habe ich täglich mit SharePoint, SQL sowie Office Applikationen zu tun. Einen Teil der Erkenntnisse möchte ich in diesem Blog weitergeben. Zur Zeit habe ich u.a. folgende Microsoft Zertifizierungen: