
Count provisioned devices by DPS

This post shows a way to find out how many IoT (Edge) devices have been provisioned by a specific enrolment group within the last x minutes. The solution could be much simpler if I just wanted to know how many devices are registering themselves. In this case the build in metrics are enough to get that information. IoT Hub Metrics The use case required a more sophisticated solution that is able to reflect the tenants, identified by tags.

Properties for IoT Messages in Azure Stream Analytics

In this post I want to show how to use properties that are added to messages that IoT devices are sending to Azure IoT Hub in Stream Analytics. And while talking about properties, let’s even use message enrichment 🙂 Stream Analytics Architecture Sample Message The green properties will be added by the Message enrichment feature of IoT Hub, as the data is not most likely not known on the IoT device or does not need to be transferred with each message.