SharePoint 2010, was ist neu?

Microsoft hat 2 Dokument zum Download bereit gestellt, in denen neue Features beschrieben werden. SharePoint Foundation 2010-Dokument: Neue Features in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 SharePoint Server 2010-Dokument: Neue Features in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010

SharePoint Usergroup OWL

14 Teilnehmer. Super! Ich hoffe wir dürfen alle neuen Gesichter auch bei den nächsten Treffen begrüßen. Nach meinem Vortrag über SharePoint 2010 haben wir in gemütlicher Runde weiter Themen und Fragen zum “Neuen” erörtert. Bis zum nächsten Mal, oder nächte Woche in München 🙂

News about Memory Leaks in SharePoint

There is some interesting new information about SharePoint eating up memory. Take a look at the details in the post SharePoint’s Sasquatch Memory Leak over at Todd Carters blog. The evil seems to be many HttpApplications, which are not disposed properly. So every request creates a new HttpApplication, which eats up our memory at the FE servers. And by the way, it does not mean we don’t have to get rid of our SharePoint objects as well 🙂

OWL SharePoint Usergroup

Durch die Feiertage, den Jahreswechsel und einfach verdammt viel zu tun zu haben hat sich der Termin für das nächste SharePoint Usergroup Treffen in OWL leider hingezogen. Doch jetzt steht er: Wir sind am 16.2.2010 wieder in Bielefeld bei der invent Software-Entwicklung GmbH zu Gast. Start ist wie immer 18h. Eine Anfahrtsbeschreibung gibt es HIER, oder die Adresse für die Navis: Otto-Brenner-Str. 209, 33699 Bielefeld. Bitte gebt uns kurz per Email Bescheid wenn ihr kommt.

SharePoint 2010 Contoso VM

First: The VM is great! Almost everything you’ll need to test or show off with is included in the VM. Well, almost. There is some software I needed to install in order to get everything working. Here is a list of problems and solutions: Problem: Cannot connect external lists to Outlook Solution: Install SQL Compact Edition SP2 Problem: REST is not working Solution: Install ADO.NET Data Services runtime

Contoso SharePoint 2010 available

If you want to try SharePoint 2010 without the hassle of installing and configuring it with over 200 demo accounts, you can now download a preconfigured Hyper-V VM from Microsoft: 2 VMs are available for download. Machine “a” contains the following: Windows Server 2008 SP2 Standard Edition x64, running as an Active Directory Domain Controller for the “CONTOSO.COM” domain with DNS and WINS Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP2 Enterprise Edition with Analysis, Notification, and Reporting Services Microsoft Office Communication Server 2007 R2 Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 Ultimate Edition Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise Edition Beta 2 Microsoft Office Web Applications Beta 2 FAST Search for SharePoint 2010 Beta 2 Microsoft Project Server 2010 Beta 2 Microsoft Office 2010 Beta 2 Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Machine “b” contains the following:

Office documents open read-only in SharePoint

Because there are many questions about this behavior, I want to blog about it. You might have noticed, that if you simply click on a document, it will be opened in read-only mode. You have to use the dropdown and select “Edit in …” to open it with read-write access. There is a Knowledgebase article available, which describes the problem and offers a solution: To change the default behavior, you’ll have to change the registry on each client!

Remote Desktop and ClearType

Are you using an RDP connection to work on development systems? If so, don’t forget to turn on ClearType! A picture says more than 1000 words…

Enabling the Developer Dashboard

Enabling the developer dashboard is very easy. It can be done via stsadm (or Powershell or the OM). To enable it on demand means, that you will get a small icon at the top right corner next to your user name. stsadm -o setproperty -pn developer-dashboard -pv OnDemand

WSS and MOSS are now SPF and SPS

Todd Bleeker posted an article about SharePoint Abbreviations. To make it short: WSS isn’t anymore. We now call it SPF 2010. And MOSS is simply SPS 2010. So here is the naming history of SharePoint, or simply SP 🙂 SPS 2001 > SPS 2003 > MOSS 2007 > SPS 2010 OWC > STS > WSS > WSS v3 > SPF 2010 Read all

Google Analytics data in a SharePoint list

Jacob Reimers has written an C# API for accessing Google Analytics data. When I saw his post, I thought it would be great to fetch the latest data every day, and write it to a SharePoint list. Then you can use the data, without querying Google for every request. You could then use the ChartPart for SharePoint to generate nice charts from your Google Analytics data. E.g. one for the visits for the last month.

Anwendungsentwicklung mit SharePoint 2010

Fabian hat es auf seinem Blog schon geschrieben. Deshalb werde ich auch über unser Projekt bloggen. Zusammen schreiben wir ein Buch zum Thema Anwendungsentwicklung mit SharePoint 2010. Das Buch richtet sich an Entwickler, Anwender und Administratoren und hat das Ziel, Wege aufzuzeigen, mit denen Unternehmenslösungen mit SharePoint 2010 realisiert werden können.

SPFarm.Local is null?

It took me some time to find the solution to a problem, where a WPF application could not connect to a local SharePoint farm via SPFarm.Local. It always returned null. Windows 7 was not the problem. I copied my application to a Windows Server 2008 VM to test. In case somebody has the same problem, here is the solution: Make sure you have set the Platform to “Any CPU” and not x86 if you are using x64 assemblies.