Then you should install the SP2 and the April (or June) CU for SharePoint.
setting site collections to read-only during backups fixes to Backup/Restore of publishing sites Zac Smith has posted an article about the why.
The out-of-the-box WSS navigation offers one level of navigation. The navigation elements can be configured in the site settings.
There is a way to make it have multi level navigation, as MOSS does, by changing the DataSource. But this “hack” is not flexible, as you can not reorder the item within the navigation menu.
While I was reading the post How to create your own Cascading Navigation using the ASPMenu control, the decision was made to build a custom navigation which supports multiple navigation levels.
Back from vacation. 1 week with an offline version of feeds is hard. So I read the postings I got closely 🙂 One post I do want to bring your attention to, is about SharePoint Controls.
My post about using the SharePoint Controls shows how to use the controls you see in forms (TextField, NumberField, LookupField…).
There are plenty of SharePoint controls, which you can use. Robin Meure has written a post “re-using SharePoint controls”.
If you ran into the expired license issue after applying the Service Pack 2, you will be happy to know Microsoft has released an update to resolve the issue.
Quote from the SharePoint Team Blog:
The update can be applied before or after Service Pack 2 installation. If the update is applied prior to installing Service Pack 2 it will prevent the expiration date from being improperly activated during installation of Service Pack 2, if it is applied after Service Pack 2 it will remove the expiration date incorrectly set during installation of Service Pack 2.
Using AJAX or Silverlight from within SharePoint in Webparts requires you to modify the web.config to support the technology. I don’t mention that you have to install the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and Silverlight to be able to use it…
Instead of changing the web.config manually (.NET Framework 3.5 AJAX und Silverlight in SharePoint registrieren von Fabian Moritz), you can use my features. They do all the necessary changes for you.
Blogs on the SharePoint sites from Microsoft are using the CKS:EBE.
The first one to move is Yvonne M. Harryman, who is moving her blog from WordPress to I am sure other blogs will use the Enhanced Blog Edition soon.
It is great to see that your own work is useful 🙂
An SPQuery for lookup columns should be easy. Start the famous U2U Caml Editor, configure your query, and query the list. This query will get a result if the lookup column stores something like “1;#1”. But if its value is e.g. “1;#Title”, the query will not return an item. So what can we do about it? Add a LookupId=’TRUE’ to your query, so it will look like this: <Where> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='LookupField' LookupId='TRUE'/> <Value Type='Lookup'>2</Value> </Eq> </Where> Remember to omit the Query tags from the U2U Caml Editor when pasting the query into your Visual Studio source code!
My SharePointConsole has some new commands.
If you don’t know it, it is a command line utility which allows you to perform some common tasks. Currently the theese commands are implemented:
EnumContentTypes CreateContentType RenameContentType DeleteContentType DeleteAllListItems ShowInNewForm ShowInEditForm ShowInDisplayForm DeleteAllVersions RecycleAllVersions SetTitleWithFilename SetSearchCenterUrl SystemUpdate FeatureManager EmptyRecycleBin Download the SharePointConsole
Deploying a SharePoint solution (.wsp file) to a SharePoint farm should be easy. Even if the farm contains 4 SharePoint Servers.
Just stsadm –o addsolution –filename solution.wsp. Some waiting so the deployment is done on every server, and we should be happy.
Well, the result was an Error in the solution status. Additionally the ULS log showed
Updating SPPersistedObject SolutionOperationStatus Name=SolutionOperationStatus Parent=SPSolutionLanguagePack Name=0. Version: -1 Ensure: 0, HashCode: 38896601, Id: 87c32e71-13f0-4d85-a215-29f1d180d239, Stack: at Microsoft.
The Wiki functionality SharePoint offers is great for quickly writing down stuff. It is often used for Server documentation.
Creating new pages is easy, and you can link pages. The ability to format the text is nothing fancy, but most of the time enough 🙂
Uploading images can be done with my custom field type, which stores images and documents in existing libraries. After the upload, a link is inserted into the Wiki body.
Für die nächste UG haben wir die folgenden Themenvorschläge zusammengetragen.
Troubleshooting Tools / Erweiterungen TFS durchsuchen SharePoint Designer Entwicklung (Webpart, Eventhandler…) InfoPath Excel Services Reporting Services Eine Abstimmung habe ich auch eingerichtet. –> Abstimmung
Auf der diesjährigen BASTA! in Mainz Ende September werde ich als Redner dabei sein.
Wie auch schon auf der SharePoint Konferenz in München, werde ich einen Vortrag über Webpart Entwicklung halten.
Wer kommen möchte, kann noch den Early Bird Rabatt bis zum 29. Juni mitnehmen.
Gestern hat die erste SharePoint UserGroup in Paderborn stattgefunden. Ich habe einiges zum BDC erzählt. Um die Funktionalität zu erklären, haben wir einen Webservice geschrieben, diesen mit dem BDC Editor aus dem MOSS SDK zu einem BDC Modell verarbeitet, und schließlich eingebunden und genutzt.
Zu Anfang waren wir zu Acht. Vielleicht lässt sich diese Zahl ja bei der nächsten Ausgabe noch steigern?
Vielen Dank an die Teilnehmer für das Interesse und den gemütlichen Gedankenaustausch!
Bisher gibt es genau eine Anmeldung zur UserGroup.
Deshalb meine Bitte an alle die gerne dabei sein möchten: Schreibt doch eine Email an “****ug-owl (at)” damit wir besser planen können.
Weiter Informationen wie immer bei Michael im SharePoint Community Wiki:
Managed paths are great for creating many site collections under one URL. You should not forget to create a site collection at the root of the web application.
There is a KB article about this.