Reporting Services

Reporting Services Exception

If your Report Server 2008 instance is configured as SharePoint integrated and you get an exception like this one, keep on reading. Additionally to the exception in the browser, the Eventlog revealed two more exception which are relevant to the SSRS exception. One was about the SSRS process, which quit unexpected, the other one from ASP.NET. “The SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 6 time(s).

SharePoint Reporting

CardioLog released a reporting add-on for SharePoint, which analyses the usage of your SharePoint sites. There are several versions available. One of the – CardioLog Lite for SharePoint 2007 – is available at no charge. Screenshots can be viewed here.Technorati Tags: SharePoint,Reporting,Usage,add-on

Report Builder 2.0

The Report Build 2.0 has been released. You can download it here. The Report View Webpart is not part of the download. Read this thread. Reza Alirezaei has posted about installing and configuring the Reporting Services.Technorati Tags: Reporting Services,Report Builder

Configuring SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

Reporting Services Configuration Wizard The SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services do not need an Internet Information Server anymore. You can host your Reports website from within Reporting Services only. If you have installed the IIS, you can still use Reporting Services, because it will register itself via HTTP.sys. Because we configured the service account during the installation process, it is already configured. Quote from the SQL Server 2008 Online Books:

Setting up Reporting Services with not default database name

Setting up the Reporting Services with a non default database name requires that you create a Script, and change the database names in this script, because otherwise the creation of the databases fails. Before you can generate the Script, start up the Reporting Services Service in the first Dialog of the Wizard! In the “Database Setup” Dialog of the Reporting Services Configuration Wizard hit the “Script” Button. (My Database Name is “ReportServer2005).

HowTo use the resource files from SharePoint

How about using the available resources from SharePoint to translate some basic words and sentences? Well, it is quite easy to use the available resources. You need the Microsoft.SharePoint.Intl.dll and some lines of code to use the already translated resources: // define yourself variables private readonly CultureInfo _Cult; private readonly Assembly _SharePoint_Intl_Assembly; private readonly ResourceManager _SharePoint_RM; private readonly ResourceManager _SharePoint_WebPartPage_RM; // initialize them in your constructor _SharePoint_Intl_Assembly = Assembly.Load("Microsoft.SharePoint.intl, Version=12.

Custom assemblies for the Reporting Services 2005

Even if the Reporting Services are very powerfull, you might get to the point where you have to extend the building functionality. So why not write your own custom assembly with some additional code? Create your assembly like this: 1: using System;<br> 2: using System.Security.Permissions;<br> 3: using Microsoft.SharePoint;<br> 4: <br> 5: public class MyNamespace<br> 6: {<br> 7: public class ReportingExtension<br> 8: {<br> 9: public ReportingExtension()<br> 10: {<br> 11: }<br> 12: <br> 13: public static string HelloWorld()<br> 14: {<br> 15: return "Hello World.

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition & Reporting Services

The Reporting Services shipped with the Express Edition do not support all features. Unfortunately you can only access a local SQL instance. You can not use XML as Datasource, so no SharePoint Reporting 🙁 A list of supported and unsupported features can be found here.

Reporting Services and XML Datasource

Querying a XML Datasource Query: «/span>Query> «/span>SoapAction> http://ns.tld/MethodName</SoapAction> «/span>Method Namespace=" http://ns.tld/" Name=" MethodName" /> «/span>ElementPath IgnoreNamespaces="True">*</ElementPath> </Query> Passing Parameters You only have to define your parameters in the parameter tab of your dataset. They are passed automatically to the Webservice Method. If you want to define your parameter yourself and not use a Reporting Services Parameter, just type «/span>Query> «/span>SoapAction> http://ns.tld/MethodName</SoapAction> «/span>Method Namespace=" http://ns.tld/" Name=" MethodName"> «/span>Parameter Name="ParamName"> «/span>DefaultValue>ParamValue</DefaultValue>