Uploading files to a NodeMCU ESP8266 can be done with the Java tool ESPlorer. If you want to automate this process, you’ll want to use something else.
A quick research brought up NodeMCU-Uploader, which is a python script. On my Windows machine, I’ve got the bash installed. Naturally I want to use it 🙂
Fortunately the bash allows access to the COM ports. You have to modify the permissions for the device though.
Set-AzureWebsite : No default subscription has been designated. Use Select-AzureSubscription -Default to set the default subscription.
*doh* Again I’ve used PowerShell comandlets for Azure classic instead of Resource Manager 🙁
Reminder: Always check for the magic “Rm” chars in the command, if a resource cannot be found.
Nicht vergessen. Morgen findet das Azure Meetup zum Thema Build, Test und Deployment mit Azure in Bielefeld statt.
Meetup #2 – Build, Test und Deployment mit Azure <p style="margin:5px 0;font-size:16px"> Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017, 7:00 PM </p> <p style="margin: 0 0 5px;"> <span style="font-size:14px">Arvato Bielefeld / Sennestadt</span><br /><span style="font-size:12px;">Fuggerstraße 11 Bielefeld, DE</span> </p> <p> <span style="color:#4F8A10;font-size:16px;">17 Mitglieder Went</span> </p> <div style="margin:5px 0 10px" class="mu_clearfix"> <div class="photo"> <img src="https://secure.meetupstatic.com/photos/member/8/e/6/b/thumb_268416459.jpeg" /> </div> <div class="photo"> <img src="https://secure.
A Runbook schedule can be triggered every hour. If you need a smaller interval, like every minute, you can use the Azure Scheduler to do so.
So I went to the Azure Portal, created an Azure Schedule instance (with a job collection tier of at least basic, to be able to create schedules that are triggered every minute) and called a Runbook via webhook.
The Runbook contains a cmdlet that results in an error 🙁
In case you need the ServiceObjectiveId for SQL standard tiers, here is the list for you.
Tier name ServiceObjectiveId Standard (S0) f1173c43-91bd-4aaa-973c-54e79e15235b Standard (S1) 1b1ebd4d-d903-4baa-97f9-4ea675f5e928 Standard (S2) 455330e1-00cd-488b-b5fa-177c226f28b7 Standard (S3) 789681b8-ca10-4eb0-bdf2-e0b050601b40 Standard (S4) 3cf14e1a-0a5d-408c-bbc7-f63c5282f735 Standard (S6) ab69b4e3-d7cc-4aa5-87a6-f8b50615a03c Standard (S7) b6ca0894-d2f0-4e40-99f5-0f8a93cc2437 Standard (S9) 0efa88e9-99ff-4e36-a148-8c4b20c0826c Standard (S12 98100e8b-2f8a-4a81-9eb5-4d1e675c5a29 Usually you could change the tier within the Azure Portal. To change them via PowerShell, you can use the above IDs.
To be able to connect to a secure Service Fabric Cluster via PowerShell, you need to import the certificate specified into your personal certificate store. Otherwise an Exception will be thrown. Unfortunately the Exception does not point into the right direction 🙁
So in case you get an Exception like this
Connect-ServiceFabricCluster : An error occurred during this operation. Please check the trace logs for more details.
At line:1 char:1
I’ve published an article on the Arvato Systems Cloud Blog (German) and Arvato Systems Blog (English).
Geld sparen mit serverloser Architektur Ihr Unternehmen plant eine großangelegte Digitalkampagne zur Vermarktung eines neuen Produktes? Sie sind nicht sicher, ob die aktuelle Architekturlösung den Ansprüchen ihrer geplanten Kampagne gerecht werden kann? Bei einem Ausbau Ihrer Infrastruktur würden hohe Kosten auf Sie zukommen?
How a serverless architecture can help you scale easily and save costs during your next marketing campaign Is scaling up your existing infrastructure very expensive?
Am 13.7. wird das erste Treffen des Azure Meetups OWL stattfinden. Wir sind derzeit noch auf der Suche nach einem Ort und den Themen 🙂
Vermutlich wird es um Chatbots und Machine Learning gehen. Wir werden aber auch auf euer Feedback eingehen um Themen für die nächsten Treffen zu finden.
Wenn ihr dabei sein möchtet, meldet euch bitte über die Meetup Seite an.
Ort: Arvato Systems, An der Autobahn 100, Gütersloh, Tower I
Almost exactly two years ago, I wrote a post about using TLS with SMTP. See Using TLS with SmtpClient
If you’d like to send transport layer encrypted email with you SharePoint farm, you can do so by installing a .NET update and modifying the registry.
The concept of Add-Ins (formally knows as Apps) in SharePoint puts logic as HTML and CSS to another page. This page is then rendered as iFrame to another SharePoint page. This approach has advantages and disadvantages. You have to decide yourself.
A very promising way to put stuff (or WebParts) onto a SharePoint page is the Widget Wrangler.
More information can be found on https://dev.office.com/blogs/introducing-widget-wrangler.
Conceptually Widget Wrangler implementation is based on similar thinking as PnP App Script Part implementation, which was released few years back as part of the PnP patterns (or at the time it was call App Model Samples).