IoT Edge

IoT Edge MQTT subscriber module

Summary This sample for an IoT Edge module sends data from a (local) MQTT server via edgeHub to an Azure IoT Hub. Description IoT is the combination of data. For that, data from multiple sources are sent to a central platform for further analysis. In case of an existing MQTT broker, this module let’s you subscribe to multiple topics and leverage the IoT Edge store and forward mechanism for uploading data to IoT Hub.

Keep track of IoT Edge Updates

Summary Azure IoT Edge, like every other software, needs to be updated to keep track of a) new features, b) remove bugs, but also c) install security fixes. But where do you find information about the latest versions and patches? Azure IoT Edge Releases Major releases are currently named with “1.1 LTS” and “1.2”. The version history can be found on the Microsoft Docs page Azure IoT Edge versions and release notes.

IoT Edge Filter Solution

Description This sample shows how to use custom code in a module to use message routing from another module (a simulated temperature sensor in this case), analyse the incoming messages and send them to a local blob storage module. You can find the full source code on my GitHub repository: ReneHezser/Edge-Filter-Blob-Solution. Details The solution contains of three containers (IoT edge modules). The Simulated Temperature and Blob Storage on IoT Edge are 1P modules from Microsoft, whereas the FilterModule has been adjusted to upload certain messages to a local blob storage.

Access service within IoT Edge on Windows (EFLOW)

Introduction The recommended way to run Azure IoT Edge on Windows (EFLOW) is by installing IoT Edge in a Hyper-V VM. But how are you going to access for example a Blob Storage module from the host? a custom Webservice? The VM has an IP that might change every time the VM is starting. [03/04/2022 14:26:17] Successfully created virtual machine [03/04/2022 14:26:17] Virtual machine hostname: MY-EFLOW [03/04/2022 14:26:20] Querying IP and MAC addresses from virtual machine (MY-EFLOW) - Virtual machine MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:53 - Virtual machine IP : 172.

Device Streams with Azure IoT Edge

Introduction Device Streams is a feature to access IoT devices via IoT Hub. The IoT Hub acts as a proxy and no direct ingoing connection needs to be established. Disclaimer: Azure IoT Hub currently supports device streams as a preview feature. Using Device Streams on IoT Edge devices To be able to use device streams on an IoT Edge device (which is hosting Docker containers), there are two options: Install the device client in addition to IoT Edge deploy a module which contains the device client The sample I have created is using IoT Edge 1.

Create SAS Token from within an IoT Edge module

Description IoT Edge 1.2 brings a (currently in preview) MQTT broker, that can be used by local modules or external applications. A SAS token will be needed for authentication. If you want to use the broker from within an IoT Edge module, you can generate the SAS token by calling the workload API. The current SDK does not offer this functionality, as the MQTT broker is still in preview. The sample I’ve created uses the SecurityDaemonClient class from the event-grid-iot-edge SDK as reference and is written in C#.

Simulated Temperature IoT Edge Module

Me: Yeah! Another Simulated Temperature Sensor solution. You: Hold on. Why do you create another one again? Me: Well, mine is more flexible than the existing ones. You: OK. Show me Me: "SendData": true, "SendInterval": 500, "InstanceCount": 10 You: 🥺 Me: This module gives you the flexibility to have multiple sensors sending from one module. This can be configured by the InstanceCount. The existing solution allows you to set the send interval in seconds only.

VisionAI DevKit won’t deploy a module

Today my VisionAI DevKit was not deploying a module. In the logs (sudo journalctl -u iotedge -f) I could see the deployment was received: Successfully pulled image<br>Creating module VisionSampleImagenet…<br>Could not create module VisionSampleImagenet<br>caused by: No such image: Strange. During troubleshooting I started docker images and saw a lot of older images and versions. After deleting a log of them with docker image rm xyz the deployment succeeded and the module started.